oz_sys_thread_create creates a new thread Input: - handle to process it belongs to - execution priority - security keys - security attributes - initialize event flag (if specified, thread waits for this event before starting) - exit event flag (thread sets this event on exit) - user stack size - entrypoint - entry parameter - thread name Output: - status - thread handle
oz_sys_thread_setast set current thread ast mode Input: - new ast mode (ENABLE, INHIBIT, or NOCHANGE) Output: - status (previous mode)
oz_sys_thread_exit exit the current thread Input: - status Output: - doesn't return
oz_sys_thread_abort abort another thread Input: - thread handle - abort status Output: - status
oz_sys_thread_getname get the name of a thread Input: - thread handle Output: - status - thread name
oz_sys_thread_getexitsts get a thread's exit status Input: - thread handle Output: - status - thread exit status
oz_sys_thread_getexitevent get a thread's exit event flag Input: - thread handle Output: - status - exit event handle
oz_sys_thread_suspend suspend a thread Input: - thread handle Output: - status
oz_sys_thread_resume resume a suspended thread Input: - thread handle Output: - status
oz_sys_thread_getbyid get a thread given its id Input: - thread id Output: - status - thread handle