FUNCTION SCRMtest(var p):boolean; ASSEMBLER; { yeah asm ! :) } asm xor ax,ax les di,p cmp word ptr es:[di],'CS' jne @@endoftest cmp word ptr es:[di+2],'MR' jne @@endoftest mov ax,0101h @@endoftest: end; FUNCTION ST3test(var p):boolean; ASSEMBLER; { I love this :) } asm xor ax,ax les di,p mov ax,es:[di] cmp ax,01300h { saved by ST3.00 } jb @@endoftest cmp ax,01303h { saved by ST3.01 } ja @@endoftest mov ax,0101h @@endoftest: end; procedure convert2pas(var from,topas;maxchars:byte); ASSEMBLER; { yeah assembler strikes again } asm push ds lds si,from les di,topas mov bx,di xor ch,ch mov cl,[maxchars] xor dl,dl ;{ count of chars in string } inc di ;{ first char ... } @@loop: lodsb ;{ I know it's slow, but here we don't need speed here ;) } test al,al jz @@nomorechar inc dl ;{ copy now one char } stosb ;{ put it into the destination string } loop @@loop @@nomorechar: mov es:[bx],dl ;{ save count of chars } pop ds end; function getchtyp(b:byte):byte; ASSEMBLER; { :) what else ... } asm xor ah,ah mov al,b cmp al,7 ja @@notleft mov al,1 ;{ left } jmp @@endofget @@notleft: cmp al,15 ja @@notright mov al,2 ;{ right } jmp @@endofget @@notright: cmp al,23 ja @@notadlib1 mov al,3 ;{ adlib melody } jmp @@endofget @@notadlib1: cmp al,31 ja @@notadlib2 mov al,4 ;{ adlib drums } jmp @@endofget @@notadlib2: xor al,al ;{ channel off :) } @@endofget: end; FUNCTION LOAD_S3M(name:string):BOOLEAN; var f:file; header:Theader; maxused:byte; inspara:array[1..Max_samples] of word; patpara:TPatternSarray; smppara:ARRAY[0..MAX_samples] OF LONGINT; i:byte; inspos,patpos,smppos,smpnum:byte; nextins,nextpat,nextsmp:longint; fileposit:longint; wdummy:word; p:pointer; pAr:PArray; buffer:PArray; { EMS things: } Ppagesleft:byte; { number of pages left to use for patterns } curPpage:byte; { current logical EMS page we fill with next pattern } curpart:byte; { =0,1,2 -> every page is seperated in 3 parts (one part - one pattern) } curSpage:word; { current logical EMS page we fill with next sample } Spagesleft:word; { number of pages left to use for samples } fun:string; funptr:pointer; PROCEDURE allocEMSforSamples; var w,w0:word; i:integer; pSmp:PSMPheader; begin if EMSfreepages=0 then begin EMSsmp:=false;exit end; w:=0; for i:=1 to 99 do begin pSmp:=addr(Instruments^[i]); if pSmp^.typ=1 then { really a sample } begin if pSmp^.flags and 1 = 1 then w0:=pSmp^.loopend+1024 else w0:=pSmp^.length+1024; w:=w + w0 div (16*1024) + ord(w0 mod (16*1024)>0); end; end; {$IFDEF BETATEST } writeln(' Instruments to load : ',insnum); writeln(' EMS pages are needed for Samples : ',w); {$ENDIF} { w = number of 16Kb pages in EMS } if w>EMSfreepages then { not enough EMS for all samples } begin { use as many pages as possible :) } w:=EMSfreepages; smpEMShandle:=EMSalloc(w); end else { oh well enough, that's nice } begin { fine let's load everything into EMS } smpEMShandle:=EMSalloc(w); end; {$IFDEF BETATEST } writeln(' EMS pages allocated for Samples : ',w); {$ENDIF} Spagesleft:=w; EMSsmp:=true; curSpage:=0; end; PROCEDURE freeallmem; begin if buffer<>Nil then freedosmem(buffer); done_module; end; PROCEDURE forget(count:longint); var dummy:array[0..511] of byte; i:word; begin for i:=1 to count div 512 do blockread(f,dummy,512); if count mod 512 >0 then blockread(f,dummy,(count mod 512)); end; FUNCTION load_instrument:boolean; var length:word; typ:byte; pAr:Parray; Psmp:PSmpHeader; PAdl:PAdlHeader; BEGIN load_instrument:=false; { first jump to position } if (fileposit>nextins*16) then { shit tables not sorted - more disk access } begin reset(f,1); seek(f,nextins*16); { <- we start reading from filestart again and read till we are at start of this pattern ... } if IOresult<>0 then begin load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; {$IFDEF BETATEST} writeln(#13#10'somethings going wrong with order. position was: ',fileposit,' but we need : ',nextins*16); {$ENDIF} end else if fileposit 0 then begin load_error:=packedsamples;exit end; { calc position in file : } smppara[smpnum]:=(longint(256*256)*pSmp^.HI_mempos+pSmp^.mempos); pSmp^.mempos:=0;inc(smpnum); {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('!'); {$ENDIF} end else begin smppara[smpnum]:=0;inc(smpnum); {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('$'); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('*'); {$ENDIF} load_instrument:=true; END; FUNCTION load_sample:boolean; var p:pointer; par:parray; pSmp:pSmpHeader; z,h:word; i:byte; smplen:word; begin load_sample:=false; if (fileposit>nextsmp*16) then { shit tables not sorted - more disk access } begin reset(f,1); seek(f,nextsmp*16); { <- we start reading from filestart again and read till we are at start of this pattern ... } if IOresult<>0 then begin load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; {$IFDEF BETATEST} writeln(#13#10'somethings going wrong with order. position was: ',fileposit,' but we need : ',nextsmp*16); {$ENDIF} end else if fileposit64511 then begin load_error:=sample2large;exit end; {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('S',smppos,'(',smplen,')'); {$ENDIF} z:=((smplen+1024) div (16*1024))+ord((smplen+1024) mod (16*1024)>0); if useEMS and EMSsmp and (Spagesleft>=z) then begin {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('E(',curSpage,'-',curSpage+z-1,')'); {$ENDIF} pSmp^.mempos:=$f000+curSpage; { and z-1 pages after } for i:=0 to z-1 do if not EMSmap(smpEMShandle,curSpage+i,i) then write(''); inc(curSpage,z); blockread(f,frameptr[0]^,smplen);par:=frameptr[0]; end else { we have to use normal memory (geeee) for this sample } begin if not getdosmem(p,smplen+1024) then begin load_error:=notenoughmem;exit end; blockread(f,p^,smplen); pSmp^.mempos:=seg(p^); par:=p; end; if (Psmp^.flags and 1)=1 then { if loop then copy from loopstart : } begin h:=1024; while h>0 do begin if h>psmp^.loopend-psmp^.loopbeg+1 then begin move(par^[psmp^.loopbeg],par^[smplen+1024-h],psmp^.loopend-psmp^.loopbeg); dec(h,psmp^.loopend-psmp^.loopbeg); end else begin move(par^[psmp^.loopbeg],par^[smplen+1024-h],h);h:=0; end; end; end else fillchar(par^[smplen],1024,128); if (pSmp^.flags and 1 = 1) and (pSmp^.loopend0 then begin write(' Geeee ... (',fileposit,')');load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('*'); {$ENDIF} load_sample:=true; end; FUNCTION load_decrunc_pattern:boolean; var row:byte; crunch:byte; chn:byte; hp,hp2:pointer; length:word; linecount:byte; BEGIN load_decrunc_pattern:=false; if nextpat=0 then begin load_decrunc_pattern:=true;PATTERN[patpos-1]:=0;exit end; { first jump to position } if (fileposit>nextpat*16) then { shit tables not sorted - more dsik access :( } begin reset(f,1); seek(f,nextpat*16); { <- we start reading from filestart again and read till we are at start of this pattern ... } {$IFDEF BETATEST} writeln(#13#10'somethings going wrong with order. position was: ',fileposit,' but we need : ',nextpat*16); {$ENDIF} if IOresult<>0 then begin load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; end else if fileposit10*1024 then begin writeln('Packed data longer then 10K - that''s not allowed ...'#7' PROGRAM HALTED.'); halt; end; {$ENDIF} { read whole packed pattern } blockread(f,buffer^,length-2); { length=sizeof(packdata)+(sizeof(length)=2) } if IOresult<>0 then begin load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; inc(fileposit,length); { first get memory : (if useEMS than try to put it into the EMS ... } if useEMS and EMSpat and (curpart'); p:=ptr(frameseg[0]+(patlength div 16)*word(curpart),0); end else begin if not getdosmem(p,longint(64*5)*usedchannels) then begin load_error:=notenoughmem;exit end; PATTERN[patpos-1]:=seg(p^); end; { we decrunc it now to full size - not all 32 channels,but all used channels } hp:=p;hp2:=buffer; asm { first setup default values. It looks difficult, but it isn't : set note FFh,instrument 00,command ffh, options ffh } les di,hp xor ch,ch mov cl,[usedchannels] shl cx,6 ;{ do it for every channel and every row : ; usedchannels * 64 } @@loop: mov word ptr es:[di ],00ffh mov word ptr es:[di+2],0ffffh mov byte ptr es:[di+4],0 add di,5 loop @@loop ; { yo and now decrunch it ... } push ds push bp mov al,[usedchannels] mov dh,al les di,hp ;{ es:[di] ... pointer to destination } lds si,hp2 ;{ ds:[si] ... pointer to packed data } xor ah,ah mov bp,ax shl bp,2 add bp,ax ;{ bp = usedchannels*5 = size of one row } mov dl,64 ;{ 64 rows to decrunch } @@rowloop: { read first 'crunch' byte for this channel : } lodsb ;{ I know "mov,inc" would be faster but we } ;{ don't need speed here } cmp al,0 jz @@endofrow @@dloop: mov cl,al xor bh,bh mov bl,cl and bl,31 ;{ bl = channel to write to } cmp bl,dh ;{ bl=$C000 then begin {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('E(',curPpage,',',curpart,')'); {$ENDIF} { next position in EMS : } inc(curpart); if (curpart=patperpage) and (Ppagesleft>0) then begin dec(Ppagesleft);inc(curPpage); curpart:=0; end; end; {$IFDEF LOADINFO} write('*'); {$ENDIF} load_decrunc_pattern:=true; END; function fileexist(s:string):boolean; var f:file; begin assign(f,s);reset(f,1);fileexist:=ioresult=0;close(f);if ioresult<>0 then; end; var a,b,c:string; Inst_done:boolean; load_smp_later:boolean; firstSMP:boolean; BEGIN LOAD_S3M := FALSE; useEMS:=EMSinstalled and useEMS and (EMSfreepages>1); { we need one page for saving mapping while playing } load_error:=0;buffer:=Nil; fsplit(name,a,b,c); if not fileexist(a+b+c) then name:=a+b+'.S3M'; assign(f,name); reset(f,1); { open file - 16byte blocks :) } IF IORESULT<>0 THEN begin load_error:=filenotexist;exit end; { First read fileheader } blockread(f,header,sizeof(THeader)); IF IORESULT<>0 THEN begin load_error:=wrongformat;exit end; { check if it's really a S3M ... } IF header.filetyp<>16 then begin load_error:=wrongformat;exit end; IF not SCRMtest(header.SCRM_ID) then begin load_error:=wrongformat;exit end; IF not ST3test(header.CWTV) then begin load_error:=wrongformat;exit end; { set some variables : } convert2pas(,songname,28); ordnum:=header.ordnum; insnum:=header.insnum; patnum:=header.patnum; { setup flags } asm mov bx,[header.flags] { flag bit 0 } xor al,al shr bx,1 rcl al,1 mov [st2vibrato],al { flag bit 1 } xor al,al shr bx,1 rcl al,1 mov [st2tempo],al { flag bit 2 } xor al,al shr bx,1 rcl al,1 mov [amigaslides],al { flag bit 3 } xor al,al shr bx,1 rcl al,1 mov [vol0opti],al { flag bit 4 } xor al,al shr bx,1 rcl al,1 mov [amigalimits],al { flag bit 5 } xor al,al shr bx,1 rcl al,1 mov [SBfilter],al { flag bit 7 } xor al,al shr bx,2 rcl al,1 mov [costumeflag],al end; savedunder:=(header.cwtv shr 8) and $0f+0.1*((header.cwtv shr 4) and $0f+0.01*(header.cwtv and $0f)); signeddata:=(header.ffv=1);if not (header.ffv in [1,2]) then begin load_error:=wrongformat;exit end; gvolume:=header.gvolume; mvolume:=header.mvolume and $7f; stereo :=(header.mvolume shr 7)=1; { bit 7 is stereo flag ... } initspeed:=header.initialspeed; inittempo:=header.initialtempo; { setup channels : } maxused:=0; for i:=0 to 31 do begin channel[i].enabled:=(header.channelset[i] and 128=0); channel[i].channeltyp:=getchtyp(header.channelset[i] and 31); if channel[i].enabled and (channel[i].channeltyp>0) and (channel[i].channeltyp<3) then maxused:=i+1; end; usedchannels:=maxused; {$IFDEF BETATEST} writeln(' Used channels :',usedchannels); {$ENDIF} { now load arrangment : } blockread(f,Order,ordnum); IF IORESULT<>0 THEN begin load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; { check order if there's one 'real' (playable) entry ... } i:=0;while (i=254) do inc(i); if i=ordnum then begin load_error:=ordercorrupt;exit end; { playable entry not found :( } blockread(f,inspara,insnum*2); IF IORESULT<>0 THEN begin load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; blockread(f,patpara,patnum*2); IF IORESULT<>0 THEN begin load_error:=filecorrupt;exit end; close(f); { Ok now the difficult part ... (load patterns/samples/instrumentdata) - load them in a row (don't jump through the file, that costs time ! - problem is that you don't know the order and possibly there's no ! } patlength:=5*64*usedchannels; {$IFDEF BETATEST} writeln(' length of Patterns in memory: ',patlength); {$ENDIF} if useEMS then begin { we use EMS, then we need a page to save mapping in interrupt ! } savHandle:=EMSalloc(1); { 1 page is enough ? } { let's continue with loading: } PatPerPage:=(16*1024) div patlength; {$IFDEF BETATEST} writeln(' Patterns per Page: ',patperpage); {$ENDIF} { try to allocate EMS for all patterns : } if (EMSfreepages<(patnum+(patperpage-1)) div patperpage) then begin Ppagesleft:=EMSfreepages;patEMShandle:=EMSalloc(Ppagesleft);EMSpat:=true; end else begin patEMShandle:=EMSalloc((patnum+(patperpage-1)) div patperpage); Ppagesleft:=(patnum+(patperpage-1)) div patperpage;EMSpat:=true end; end; if useEMS and EMSpat then begin curpart:=0;curPpage:=0; end; { clear all samples } fillchar(instruments^,max_samples*5*16,0); { Now try to load everything in a row } {$IFDEF LOADINFO} writeln(#10#13'load report :'); {$ENDIF} reset(f,1); fileposit:=0; { at start :) } Inst_done:=false; { Instrument are not loaded yet :) } load_smp_later:=false; { load instruments not later (up to now we can say only this) } firstSMP:=true; { if we load now an instrument, then it's the first =) } { init buffer for fast loading : } if not getdosmem(buffer,10*1024) then begin load_error:=notenoughmem;exit end; { init some variables for loading : } inspos:=1;patpos:=0;smppos:=0;smpnum:=0;nextpat:=$7fffffff;nextins:=$7fffffff;nextsmp:=$7fffffff; while (inspos',inspos,',',patpos,',',smppos);readkey;} if (nextpat=$7fffffff) and (patpos0) and not load_smp_later then begin if not Inst_done and useEMS then load_smp_later:=true { if all instruments are not loaded yet and we want to load into the EMS then stop loading here - do it after all Instruments are done ... } else begin if useEMS and firstSMP then begin allocEMSforSamples;firstSMP:=false end; if (nextsmp<$7fffffff) then if not load_sample then begin freeallmem;exit end; end; end; nextsmp:=$7fffffff; end; if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then begin writeln(' Somethings going wrong with loading ? Or why do you pressed ?'); writeln(' If loading error - please report me.'); load_error:=internal_failure; freeallmem; exit; end; end; { And now for ugly orders : if instrumentdata was not fully loaded as the first sampledata starts, then we have to wait, coze we don't know how many EMS we should acolate now we know it so let's start again at the beginning of the file and load the samples in a row ... } if UseEMS and load_smp_later then begin reset(f,1); fileposit:=0; { again to start } allocEMSforSamples; smppos:=0;smpnum:=0;nextpat:=$7fffffff;nextins:=$7fffffff;nextsmp:=$7fffffff; while (smppos= v4.0) } if EMSversion>=4.0 then setEMSnames; S3M_inMemory:=true; LOAD_S3M :=TRUE; END; FUNCTION load_specialdata(var p):boolean; BEGIN { not implemented } END;