
I finally decided to write a source/symbolic debugger utility. With my experience of interfacing GDB to EMMY, I thought I would just do that. But with EMMY, GDB runs under Linux and still has all the Linux-like system calls it can make. Plus the fact that it is huge and very (perhaps overly) complex lead me to write my own.

The basic idea is that the debugger runs in its own separate process and will 'attach' threads to be debugged in a process. It will then run them as commanded. When a thread gets an exception, it will send a message to the debugger then wait for the debugger to resume it (or abort it or whatever).

Attaching consists of the debugger making a system call, oz_sys_thread_attach, that tells the system to notify the caller whenever the target thread signals an exception. The target thread will then set an event flag that the caller specified then it will wait for another event flag the caller specified.

Another kernel mechanism used by the debugger is one where the debugger can tell a target thread to halt. The system does this by queuing an express ast to the target that causes it to signal an OZ_HALTED exception. The attach mechanism above is invoked and the debugger is then notified when the thread halts and the target thread then waits for the debugger to resume it.

A final kernel mechanism is peek and poke. The debugger uses oz_sys_process_peek and oz_sys_process_poke to access the target process' address space.

Probably the hardest part of the debugger was interpreting the stabs entries. There are a few things that have to be programmed around.

The debugger will only work with threads of one process at a time. Also, each time it gets halted, it will scan a process for newly created threads and attach them.

Command line:

Also, the cli has an option, -debug, that you can put on the front of commands which will start the debugger running on the given command. So for example, -debug run somethingimtryingtofix will run the image, suspended, then start the debugger on it.


Things to do:

Thread and Process

As with all of OZONE, the debugger uses the term thread to mean virtual CPU, a register set or execution context, however you like to think of it. The debugger uses the term process to mean address space or just about everthing else in the computer system that a thread has access to.

In the case where the debugger is being used with EMMY, thread means CPU and process means everything else, like memory and IO devices.

I also made a separate download for the base code. Rev date: July 10, 2004, approx 52K

This code can 'easily' be ported to other platforms. It has four directories:

So if you are porting to some x86 environment that uses elf-format executables, theoretically, 'all' you would have to do is create a new o_<platform> directory and the corresponding routines.

The 'o' directory routines you would have to supply are: